Monday, April 11, 2011

Seasons of Life

If you are a mother, I am sure you have gotten so much advise from the day you found out you were pregnant. If you are like me you listen, you consider the source and you move on doing what you think is right for your child. Whether you take the advice or not. Last year I joined a MOPs group (Mothers of Preschoolers) at a local church. Of course the topics were always marriage and child raising, so as you can imagine there was so much "advice" that was being handed out each time we met. I listened, considered the source and moved on to what fit my family.

One day there was an older mother (with older kids) that came to speak to the group, and as I was sitting there half listening; she said something to me that has stuck. "Enjoy this season of your life now, don's look back and don't wish for time to speed up." How many of us think to ourselves "I cant wait until the kids start school, until they can stay home by themselves"? or "They are growing to fast, I wish he was still a baby"? I know I am guilty of it on a daily basis! Even though I understood the advise the guest speaker was giving, and even thought it was valid advise, I didn't implement it into my daily life. It wasn't until recently that it it: "I need to enjoy my kids at this season, because the seasons are changing faster then I want"

B-Man as a baby
There have been a couple of "ah ha" moments lately that have been smacking me right in my face to wake up and enjoy this time because it is fleeting too fast. Just this morning I was watching "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" (on Disney Junior) with Bryce. I was siting there thinking, " My goodness, I don't have a toddler anymore, I have a boy. A boy who wont want to sit with his mommy on the couch to watch a Disney Junior program anymore. A boy who will be starting Kindergarten next fall. A boy who is already telling me certain girls are pretty" How can this be? It seems like yesterday I was bringing B home from the hospital. It was just yesterday he started crawling, or walking. It was just yesterday that I could carry B everywhere we went (he asked me to carry him back to the car after dropping J off at school, I was out of breath my the time I got there)I just didn't realize the toddler season would be so fleeting, and I have to say the whole time I was wishing for kindergarten to start. Thinking it would be easier, but now I am wishing I can have years 3 and 4 back. I want to keep him little. I know I can't and I have to let him grow, I just know I am going to miss this season.
B-man April 2011

J as a baby
As we were standing in church yesterday, little J was hugging me I realized just then how big he has gotten. I couldn't believe he was almost to my elbow (it may not seem tall to you, but when your baby starts growing up, it will be) In that moment, I looked in front of me to 2 teenage boys at least 5 inches taller then me, it took my breath away. I dawned on me at that moment that in a few year my son will be as tall as me. It also dawned on me that the time has gone way too fast with J. I cant believe next year I will have a second grader, I can't believe that he will be 7 in a couple of months. Time has really flown by, the seasons have changed fasted then I can remember. I miss the baby and toddler seasons! There is so much more I would do, could do, want to do with the seasons. I know thought that the new season will bring new opportunities, new experiences. I just am not ready for this one to change quite yet.

J - March 2011
I have to make sure from this point on I am enjoying every moment of this season of my life. I will always miss certain aspects of the seasons in the past and will always look forward to the changes of seasons in the future, but the best season is the one in the present.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

More pictures of the Wild Animal Park

Mommy and Baby Elephants

Jaydon was not to happy taking a picture of a baby nursing

Jaydon and Nathan in an egg

Jaydon and the egg

Meerkat Manor

Jaydon and the Meerkats

Just hatched baby bird

Gorilla Sightings

How big is your hand?

The Happiest Place on Earth

We just took the boys to Disneyland for the day over spring break. This was the boys' 4th trip to the Happiest Place on Earth (which to some people may seem like a lot, but to Jason and I it seems like nothing since we both grew up going all the time. We even went for NYE many years in a row until we were old enough to drink)

Bryce's First Trip to Disneyland

The morning started off very, very wrong! We got there an hour later then I had planned to get there (the key word I, I think everyone else had a different idea in their head) It was super HOT that day, and so very busy. Jaydon was in a "6 year old mood" and throwing his 6 year old attitude around. So needless to say, I was in a BAD mood! So much for the Happiest Place on Earth.

I had so many expectations of this trip, because FINALLY Jaydon was able to ride all my favorite rides (except for California Screaming in Disney Ca Adventure) Jaydon had other ideas, cause his little butt would not get into a roller coaster for anything. He even bowed out of Tower of Terror, while Bryce rode it! Can you believe it, he let his younger brother show him up. (Bryce did say it was the scariest ride ever, and he doesn't want to ride it again)

By lunchtime I was feeling a little better, it was still hot and crowded but Jaydons attitude started to change and the lines weren't taking that long any more (except for Toy Story Mania) We finally got on a roll and started enjoying ourselves. I still couldn't get Jaydon on a roller coaster, but he was happy to ride the swings and the jumping jellyfish.

Around dinnertime Bryce was done, so Papa and him went back to the RV to watch Disney movies for the rest of the night. (Thank God for Papa's and RV's) So Jason and I took Jaydon back to Disneyland to really get the party stated. Disneyland at night is the best. Lines are shorter, people are happier, and the weather is much cooler. We really enjoyed the last round of Disneyland. I was happy Jaydon FINALLY started to get into the rides and he even rode Indiana Jones.

The night ended well with fireworks and shopping. Jaydon enjoyed it and wants to go back (maybe we will get him on space mountain next time) Bryce was more then happy with the time he spent with Papa watching movies. I think that made his night. We are thinking about getting year passes for the family so I wont be so stressed about the lines and the time we have, and so Bryce can chill when we go.

Hopefully our next trip wont be too crowded or too hot, and hopefully we will see more stuff and enjoy it more.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A trip to the Safari Park...formally known as the Wild Animal Park

Since Jaydon and I stayed in San Diego a few more days (still undecided when we are leaving) We decided to take a trip to the Wild Animal Park (I know, I know it has a new name, but it will always be the Wild Animal Park to me, and most likely every other San Diegian who grew up going there) It was a perfect day in Esco. not too hot and not too cold. It was nice to spend one on one time with Jaydon, and hanging out with my BFF.

The Wild Animal Park had a ton of babies this time, We were able to see Giraffes, Zebras, Elephants, and even a baby Rhino. I think Jaydon had a great time learning and watching the animals (he especially liked it when we watched the animals go to the bathroom...BOYS!!)

Here are some pics of the day:

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Grandparents Love

Grandparents bestow upon their grandchildren
The strength and wisdom that time
And experience have given them.

Grandchildren bless their Grandparents
With a youthful vitality and innocence
That help them stay young at heart forever.

Together they create a chain of love
Linking the past with the future.
The chain may lengthen,
But it will never part...

~Author Unknown~

One of my biggest "mommy guilt" moment has to be moving my boys away from their Grandparents. It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made. Jason and I agonized over weeks whether moving was a good decision; we made the decision and then agonized more over whether we made the right decision. I can honestly say we made the right decision for our family. However I still feel pangs of guilt every now and again. The pangs get stronger when I am home visiting my parents and watch the boys play, cook, build and just talk with their grandparents.

I am very lucky that we didn't move out of the state so the boys get to hang out with their grandparents a few time a year. We have the ability to hop in the car and be home in 7 hours, to hang out for a weekend. Which unfortunately we don't do enough, due to T-Ball, Work, School, Birthday Parties, and anything else life throws at us.

We have spent this weekend visiting my family and taking a trip to Disneyland. I planned on being here for 3 days, but as I was getting everything ready to go Jaydon was so upset to be leaving. Jason and I decide we would stay one more day and see how the boys acted. If they were good we would possibly stay longer (The boys and I, Jason had to get back to work) After a perfect day, I still wanted to head home, but my heart was breaking for Jaydon - he was just being so good - I told him the news, and I could tell he was really upset, but he acted like such a mature little man. So I decided I would stay at least another day for him. He was so happy, and all he wanted to do was hang out with Papa. I know I made the right choice this time to stay a little longer (even though I really want to get home)

This weekend, I realized more then ever the boys need their grandparents around more. They enjoy the time with them. They enjoy puttering around the house building trellises and going for ice cream. They enjoy movie nights (every night) upstairs in the movie room. Most of all they enjoy the time with their Grandparents. They enjoy the love and the patience (that most time I don't have for them) As I received a big pang of guilt while I was sitting on the bed telling Jaydon we had to go home, I realized that a few more days are probably good for the boys (even though Bryce opted to go home with Dad) and because of that pang, Jaydon got what he wanted a few more moments of Papa time, a few more days to putter around and make everlasting memories with one of the most important people in his life.

I would give anything to have my grandmothers back to share the important things with. To see my boys grow, to experience the highs and lows life throws my way, and to be a good source of wisdom. So instead of rushing home to get back to my regularly scheduled life, I will let Jaydon appreciate the time he has so he will feel a Grandparents Love a little stronger.

What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies. ~Rudolph Giuliani

Sunday, March 27, 2011


So I started a new diet to go along with my Boot Camp. I really want to lose some weight before summer time. So far so good. I am doing the Fat Smash Diet by Dr. Ian Smith (you know the guy from Celebrity Fit Club) Anyways for the first 9 days you can not have any meat, bread, pasta, and of course any bad fried, sugary, food. Basically I can eat fruits, veggies, yogurt, 1 slice of cheese, oatmeal, beans, lentils, brown rice, and egg whites. Then after 9 days you can add in 4oz of meat.

So I have made it 8 days so far with out bread, pasta and meat. I never thought I could do it. I have definitely missed the meat and the bread, but I feel great. I have tried new things and new recipes and the kids have not eaten a ton of meat (except for school lunches)

Even though I don't think I could live my life with out meat, I definitely don't need it to survive. It will not be the center of our meals anymore.

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Year and a Half later...

OMGoodness - I cant believe its been well over a year since I blogged! I recently read a dear friends new blog and prompted me to check mine and start blogging again. Never did I think it has been this long.

Well since its been so long, I am just gonna start right in.

This year Master J is in 1st grade and I totally thought that with no more half days, my day would get slower and calmer. Well I was dreaming. I think it got busier and more chaotic. We have homework every night, and then Piano, Church, Playgroup and Baseball every week. Then J needs to clean his room, shower, take care of the dog and Read everyday. However Jaydon is doing great in school; He reads phenomenally. (just too fast) and making friends. He is a social butterfly and I love it. The teacher says he is always nice to everyone and truthfully that's all I want. His being social is only his downfall in class - but what are you gonna do!

B-Man is in Pre-K in the afternoons. He is loving it and his teachers. He has met a few friends he loves. On top of his Pre - K in the afternoons, he takes speech 2 mornings a week. We haven't seen a huge improvement but enough to keep us encouraged. Jason and I were just talking about possibly taking him to an ENT to see if it is something with his ears that would help with his speaking. (there were a lot of things around this decision, which I just don't want to go on a tangent about something else) We go to storytime every week, and he too has T-Ball practice during the week. I am looking at putting him in a science class through our rec center, just not sure if I have the time in my schedule. I can't wait until next Fall when he can go to Wednesday night church with Jaydon, so Jason and I can have a much needed date night once a week. Bryce is getting ready to start Kindergarten next year, he is so excited. He tells me everyday to sign him up hes ready to go.

I started a new job - as a substitute Preschool Teacher. I love it but boy do those kids where me out! I am hoping to get a permanent class next year, but only if it works with my boys' school schedule. I also am on the board for our local Mother's Club and an active PTA member for the year chairing many committees. Along with shuttling the kida around, my days are filled with errands, meeting and kids. So my impression of a calm day was thrown out the window in the first week of school. We have finally settled into a schedule that works and hopefully keeps us on pace.

Jason is doing well. He is coaching both boys' baseball teams as well as coaching and playing on his own. He is definitely tired and worn out by Sunday with all the practices and games. (However with the weather as wet as its been we have not had baseball for 2 weeks) He likes his job and keeps on working.

Now that you know whats been up with us. I will hopefully keep the blogging going. Some days its hard to find the time and others I just dont want to do anything. All in all we are doing good. We are enjoying are free time (when we have it) and trying new things.